
Sophie Oti

3 min read

Sophie Oti - Pocket Sport

On the 4th of November, the day before the national lockdown, Pocket Sport had the opportunity to meet with Trainer Sophie Oti, and interview her about her fitness journey.

Tell me a little bit about yourself? How did you get into fitness? 

I am a mom of a son who is six years old. It's quite a balance being a mum and trying to keep fit. I never used to exer

cise at all, and I was quite insecure. I was very tired all the time, and basic things I wanted to do with my son I had no energy for. I was also working in an office; I was so unhappy.

So around 2 years ago I started getting into fitness and went to some exercise classes and I realised my mood lifted, my energy levels lifted, and I felt secure and confident. It was really empowering! So, I was like, I'm going to do this other people. I want to help motivate other people to feel this way as well. Then from that, I've now ended up becoming a personal trainer!

Were you active as a child?

No! Not at all, I hardly owned trainers! I did some ballet classes but that’s about it.

Are you a full-time trainer now?

Now yes! I was still working in an office up until this year even though I didn't like it. But then I was made redundant because of Covid, and it actually ended up being a blessing. Then I was able to just dive into this world of fitness and dedicate all my time to it.

Speaking of Covid, how has that been?

I'm just taking each day as it comes. I think we're all in it together! And this being the second lockdown, it's not ideal because the gyms are closing again, but I'm going to make it work. We can go outside even if it’s cold, we’ll wrap up and do some HITT to get warm!

Is there anything you suggest for people trying to embark on their own fitness journey?

I think that not every kind of exercise is for everyone. But there will be something that you can find. It's just trial and error. Try different classes, boxing, yoga, Pilates, or just the gym. Sometimes people don't like the gym, they're afraid of it and the equipment intimidates them. I think it's also important to just seek help! There's always someone that's out there that can help you and guide you along the way, whether it's with fitness, or nutrition. It will make the journey much more worthwhile. And there is someone to hold you accountable too!

If you could travel anywhere at all where would it be and why?

Barcelona! I’ve been a million times and I still love it. I love art, and it’s full of it. And the architecture is amazing, every building is just so incredible.

What are you favourite activities? Exercise or not?

I love walking, I think it clears my head. It's just nice to get the fresh air especially in a woodsy area just being in nature. A good hike is my favourite thing to do. With no technology around, no TV, no distractions.

What type of training is your favourite?

100% boxing, I absolutely love it!

What does a typical day look like for you? Or does it change all the time?

It’s been changing quite often because of COVID, but I generally wake up early, my son is such an early bird! Breakfast, then take him to school. Go to the gym, workout and then train clients. Then go pick up my son and take him to his after-school sports. It’s been great getting myself into fitness, but now I see how important it is for him too!

Random Lightning round:

Go-to healthy meal? And Go-to unhealthy meal?

Healthy - Quinoa, Lentils and maybe some salad.

Unhealthy - I’m dairy free, and Ben & Jerry’s has a really nice dairy free ice cream. It’s so nice, but I can finish the whole tub in one sitting, that’s my problem!

Favourite season?

I love the changing of seasons, but I’d say summer. Love going to the beach and being outdoors.

If you were an animal what would you be?

A cat! We just recently got a cat during lockdown and he is just so calm. Just lounges around all day. They really live the life, don’t they?

Lastly, what’s next on your journey? Any goals you’re focusing on?

I would love to be a Pilates instructor! At my gym there is a new Pilates studio upstairs. So, I'm currently in talks with them to train to be an instructor.

I don't just want to be in one area of fitness. I'd love to broaden myself and try new things!

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